A computer network comprises two or more computers that are connected—either by cables (wired) or WiFi (wireless)— with the purpose of transmitting, exchanging, or sharing data and resources.

Internet vs Extranet vs Intranet
  • Internet

    This is a globally-connected network of computers that enables the public to share information and communicate with each other.

  • Extranet

    This is the area where users from some organisations are given access to the organisation information. Example of these users are customers and vendors.

  • Intranet / Local Area Network (LAN)

    This is a local or restricted network that enables employees to store, organize, and share information within an organization.

    LAN is a local network whereas Intranet doesn't have to be local, it can be a network within a company with 3 different offices which are all inter-linked with a WAN (Wide Area Network).